есть на свете ветер перемен ;)
Я люблю талантливых людей! Как вижу, так сразу бросаюсь в щенячий восторг))) Вот один из тех творческих личностей, кто по-настоящему играет на струнках души. А тут и любовь и дестрой..и всё в одном. М-м-м-м=)))
Alexiuss! Чувак, ты крут!!! Надеюсь, ты не подашь на меня в суд за незаконное размещение твоей картины в моём блоге))))))))
Всем настоятельно в принудительном порядке рекомендуется к просмотру =)
ОЧь советую пройти по ссылке ниже и открыть это чудо в полном размере!

Anamnesis of Estivation
You are my hope,
And my salvation.
You are my light,
And my elation.
You are my heartbeat and vibration,
You are a message on my cell,
You are a chime of tower’s bell.
And in my mind your thoughts dwell.
You are that heightened sensation.
You are that long, confusing application.
You are that random combination.
That holds the key,
The future, and clarification.
You are that very best vacation.
Where hand in hand we walked alone,
Betwixt the streets of cobblestone,
And as the moon above us shone.
On the window, music box.
Had played to us, the sound of silence.
That sound of heartbeat’s creation
You are my very final tribulation.
I have no questions, and no words to say.
You have no answers and no explanation.
Perhaps just a manifestation?
A figment of imagination?
Complete belief, infatuation!
Your eyes are leading me away.
Your laughter, like the spring in May
Your smile, like a sunny day
You are the song, to which I sway
You are my thought's fixation.
And between the world of gray,
Upon which I walk everyday.
Between skyscrapers, concrete walls and neon lights.
I will remember all the days and all the nights.
And I will act and I will pray
Just so that we can meet again.
Through the autumn’s aging, weary world
Through the winter’s frosty, bitter cold,
Through the spring that still remains,
Through cloudy days and through the rains.
I will recall, Anamnesis of estivation
My amber muse, my angel, and my inspiration.
Нагло стырено с:alexiuss.deviantart.com/art/Anamnesis-of-estiva...
Alexiuss! Чувак, ты крут!!! Надеюсь, ты не подашь на меня в суд за незаконное размещение твоей картины в моём блоге))))))))
Всем настоятельно в принудительном порядке рекомендуется к просмотру =)
ОЧь советую пройти по ссылке ниже и открыть это чудо в полном размере!

Anamnesis of Estivation
You are my hope,
And my salvation.
You are my light,
And my elation.
You are my heartbeat and vibration,
You are a message on my cell,
You are a chime of tower’s bell.
And in my mind your thoughts dwell.
You are that heightened sensation.
You are that long, confusing application.
You are that random combination.
That holds the key,
The future, and clarification.
You are that very best vacation.
Where hand in hand we walked alone,
Betwixt the streets of cobblestone,
And as the moon above us shone.
On the window, music box.
Had played to us, the sound of silence.
That sound of heartbeat’s creation
You are my very final tribulation.
I have no questions, and no words to say.
You have no answers and no explanation.
Perhaps just a manifestation?
A figment of imagination?
Complete belief, infatuation!
Your eyes are leading me away.
Your laughter, like the spring in May
Your smile, like a sunny day
You are the song, to which I sway
You are my thought's fixation.
And between the world of gray,
Upon which I walk everyday.
Between skyscrapers, concrete walls and neon lights.
I will remember all the days and all the nights.
And I will act and I will pray
Just so that we can meet again.
Through the autumn’s aging, weary world
Through the winter’s frosty, bitter cold,
Through the spring that still remains,
Through cloudy days and through the rains.
I will recall, Anamnesis of estivation
My amber muse, my angel, and my inspiration.
Нагло стырено с:alexiuss.deviantart.com/art/Anamnesis-of-estiva...
Спасибо, Юль)
Аха)) Ты вообще его галерею посмотри...Я просто немею, когда смотрю, на что способны люди и компутер)))
Хорошая картинка, а на текст моего английского к сожалению не хватает(((
К списку ассоциаций еще путешествие единорога добавьте-не знаю почему)))
Похоже, но навряд ли, парниша из Торонто.